KILLART International IC Tournamnet!

Action seems to be pretty crowded. Hopefully there will be more that just 5 songs in the songpool. Otherwise this will be a very annoying contest to judge and probably not very rewarding for the editors. Soul’s Team had that problem at the beginning of the year. Well all ICs have that problem. Anyway looking forward to this. Where can i register. Your forum is sort of confusing for non-hungarian speakers.

There will be more than 5 songs. :slight_smile:
Anyone who needs help with the registration drop me a PM.

heute abend wird geraped :smiley:

heute abend wird geraped :smiley:

The music pack is available:

Good luck and good editing for every contestant! :wink:

War gut :3

We sent a confirmation email to everyone who have sent in a video. Those
who did not receive a confirmation should contact us todays as
possible, and we will look it up.

Inside the forum you can publish the videos here:
Just click ‘új téma/new topic’. :smiley:

Thanks for everyone for the participation! :slight_smile: