
Ehi! I’m new here, my name is Diego, I’m Italian. I’m 16 years old, and I discovered the AMVs in the end of the 2006, but I started making them in the early of the 2008. My other passions are music (especially Electronic, Industrial Metal and Hard Rock), movies and manga. I hope to stay good here, even if I have a bit of problems with your language, but it’s a chance to learn something, I think =)
See ya.

Hi there,

sure your welcome. I’m just a bit curious about how you found this website.

Anyway have fun!


an Italian o_O … what brought you to a german forum? Not that I mind you being here but I’m a bit curious why you came.
Got any favorite Anime/Manga/Movies/Beer?

If you got any finished AMVs, you might want to show them to us in the “Ankündigungen” board but keep in mind that we don’t really like Youtube links there. They’re ok for a preview but always add a download link to some 1-click-hoster or a-m-v.org.

Also, if you haven’t already done it, check a-m-v.org’s forum, it’s the place where people from all countries gather for AMV related stuff.

Watch closely … he has done lots of amv’s … check his org profil

I found this website with your profile on the org :smiley:

Mmh I don’t know, I just found the forum and I wanted to sign in. I thought it was a nice idea to introduce me to the community. If I’m wrong with something, please let me know =)

And yes, I have some favourite things:
-Anime: Great Teacher Onizuka
-Manga: Battle Royale
-Movies: Inception
-Beer: I haven’t, but I like it. Especially that I drank in Germany :]

Yes I’ll post some of my AMVs later. However, thanks for welcome.

first french now italian… what next? Nigerians? xD
this is going to be multikulti and i like it XD
so i wish you the best and bring some other italians in here and let us build a little amv-mafia XD
sry im stupied XD

have fun and do your shit :smiley:

Haha yes maybe one day we’ll do that xD Thanks for welcome, too =)

cool, someone from Italie.
Welcome here on our forum ^^
And yeah its a chance to learn the language. My english got better by joining amv.org and also the IRC channel…
Yeah my english was worse then it is already XD


funny. I checked one of your entrys (quickcomment). Will watch some others once there is more time.

Hi Diego, welcome to our site and have fun here :slight_smile:

Thanks again for welcome and thanks to Cenit for the Quick Comment on my vid :smiley:

Ciao ragazzo, come stai?

Sry, thats all what i can tell in italian XD I had italian on school, but i forgot each word^^"

So, wish you a nice time here: )